What makes a book great?

What makes a book great?

Is it excellent writing? Inspiring ideas? A heartwarming story? Useful information? Life-changing impact?

Take a moment to think about some of your favorite books and reflect on what makes them great.

Then leave a comment and share your thoughts. I look forward to hearing from you!

2 thoughts on “What makes a book great?”

  1. Any and all of those factors can make a book great. Different books have different purposes. Books can be great for different reasons. My great book is not always your great book.

    HOWEVER, if a book lacks excellent writing–if the writing is so poor that it causes the reader to miss the flow of thought or focus on the mistakes rather than the message–it will never become a great book.

    To adapt Muggeridge’s line: the medium MUST clearly and effectively communicate the message. If the writing fails to do so, the book also fails.

    Great books need great writing. Period.

  2. If it’s fiction, the story must absolutely grab me and pull me in. When I read a well-written novel, I am Living in that story.

    I read a lot of non-fiction and I am typically seeking information in those books. I agree with Marti that great writing is a must. Even in non-fiction.

    A biography without a good story is dry and dull – a well-written biography about the same person can be gripping and exciting.

    I change my answer to “Yes, all of the above!”

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